Broken Shoestrings

Our shoes are on our feet and ready to be tied. We are somewhere between desparately late and deeply enthused about what is to come of our days. The last thing we want to do is spend one more moment than necessary in the mundane tasks of tying strings or or buttoning shirts. Yet, they must be done and, when all goes well, life is good.
Ministry is very good when the details behave predictably.
But then, in a flash, without warning, a perfectly good shoestring breaks.
A perfectly formulated plan goes awry.
In that moment, our task become laser focused. We must cope and deal with the task at hand. We either have to knot them or replace them.
Never underestimate the importance and joy of a pair of new shoestrings, strong and sturdy on a pair of old shoes or even on a new pair. Not only are they functional, but they spruce things up.
Details are seldom glamorous, but if you are doing ministry on a shoestring, you need to tend to them.
Photograph by Maira Kouvara - - Thanks!