Brokering Minstries

The Shoestring Conspiracy

“Brokering Ministries”

How does a church with limited personnel and financial resources have a great impact upon its community and the lives of the people with who it comes into contact? If it is not possible to accomplish everything that you dream of doing for your neighborhoods, do not despair. There is a way to provide significant services without increasing your church’s budget or staff base.

The church is in an ideal position to serve as a “broker” of services to the larger community. Among the assets that we bring to this task are these:

  • · The ability to gather, store, digest, and disseminate information and make referrals.
  • · A platform for service providers to speak to congregations and groups within the congregation.
  • · A publishing instrument for “getting the word out.”
  • · Space for outside groups to use for offices, meetings, or “contact points.”
  • · Partnerships with agencies and missional groups for sharing human resources and expertise.
  • Potential board members.


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