Senior Adults

The Shoestring Conspiracy

“Senior Adults: Mission Field and Resource”

Senior adults are a rapidly growing segment of our population destined to make their mark on this century. As a church considers ministry on a shoestring, it should look to its older adults as both a group of people in need of ministry and as a mighty army of potential ministers.

Modern seniors will not be content to sit out their sixties, seventies, or even eighties and beyond. However as some grow infirmed because of health issues, keep in mind some meaningful possibilities for serving these who have served so long and well:

  1. Shopping sprees with them or on their behalf.
  2. Help them keep up a lifetime of correspondence.
  3. Taking a senior to lunch and a show.
  4. Walking clubs.
  5. Help with chores.

In many cases, seniors themselves will be at the forefront of these ministries, but young people will be blessed by their exposure as well. In addition, older adults can:

  1. Manage a prayer ministry that supports and encourages your other ministries.
  2. Establish and maintain ministries over the telephone.
  3. Foster grandparents.
  4. Reading to children.
  5. Baking cookies and cakes for visitation and special events.


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